Open Science Event

Tuesday 11 June 2024, 10.00-13.00, location Botanische Tuinen Utrecht.

Room: Wachendorffzaal

Time Topic
10:00-10:15 Welcome and introductory note by Angelos Krypotos. This includes a short presentation of how Open Science is practiced at the UU.
10:15-11:00 Presentation of the current open science affairs in Utrecht University by Paul Boselie (Chief of Open Science)
11:00-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-12:20 Open Discussion on the role of UYA on Open Science from Jarno Hoekman and Mira Scholten
12:20-13:00 Lunch to go

Subscribe: You can just let us know you are coming by sending an email with your name at so we can order coffee/lunch for you. The event is free.

Description of the event

Over the past few years, open science has undergone a transformative evolution, significantly reshaping scholarly practices and research methodologies. One of the key drivers of this evolution has been the growing recognition of the importance of transparency, collaboration, and accessibility in scientific research. In response to concerns about reproducibility and the credibility of scientific findings, researchers and institutions have increasingly embraced open science principles. Initiatives such as open data sharing, pre-registration of studies, and transparent reporting have gained traction, fostering a culture of openness and accountability within the academic community.

Technological advancements have played a crucial role in the evolution of open science. The development of sophisticated data-sharing platforms, collaborative tools, and open-access publishing mechanisms has facilitated seamless communication and collaboration among researchers globally. This evolution has led to a more inclusive and interconnected research landscape, where interdisciplinary collaboration and the free exchange of ideas have become central tenets of scientific inquiry. As open science continues to evolve, it holds the promise of fostering innovation, increasing the efficiency of research, and ultimately advancing the collective understanding of the natural world.

Utrecht University is a key proponent of the open science movement. After the initial OS plan of 2019-2023, the open science group will reduce its size for the coming 3 years and will focus more on internalization and implementation of open science rather than further evolving in this area.

What is in there for YOU, perhaps an upcoming OS and/or UYA fellow or a colleague interested in these developments? Come for a brunch town hall meeting where the current UYA members and Open Science experts will discuss Open Science reforms, UYA’s plans for Open Science and your personal possibilities there!