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Derksen, M., Meirmans, S., Brenninkmeijer, J., Pols, J., de Boer, A., Van Eyghen, H., … Krypotos, A.-M., …, & de Winter, J. (in press). Replication studies in the Netherlands: Lessons learned and recommendations for funders, publishers and editors, and universities. Accountability in Research: Ethics, Integrity and Policy pdf
Endhoven, B., Krypotos, A.-M., Mertens, G., & Engelhard, I. (in press). No Evidence for Decreased Generalization of Fear Extinction in High-Trait Anxious Individuals. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Crombez, G. & Vlaeyen, J. W. (in press). The dynamics of pain avoidance: The exploration-exploitation dilemma. PAIN. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Sjouwerman, R., Teppers, M., & Vlaeyen, J. W. (in press). Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer in Individuals with Chronic Pain. Behaviour Research and Therapy. pdf
Cox, W., Woelk, M., de Vries, O., Krypotos, A.-M., Kindt, M., Engelhard, I., Sevenster, V., & van Ast, V. A. (in press). Context reexposure to bolster contextual dependency of emotional episodic memory. Scientific Reports. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., & Wessel, I. (in press). Experimental psychopathology can benefit from registered reports. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. pdf
Alves, M., Krypotos, A. M., Crombez, G., & Vlaeyen, J. W. (in press). Experimental Pain Picture System (EPPS): development and validation. The Journal of Pain. pdf
Endhoven B., De Cort K., Matthijssen S., de Jongh A., van Minnen A., Duits P., Schruers Koen R.J., van Dis Eva A.M., Krypotos, A.-M., Gerritsen L., & Engelhard I. M. (in press). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy or supportive counseling prior to exposure therapy in patients with panic disorder. Study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial (IMPROVE). BMC Psychiatry.
Krypotos, A.-M., Alves, M., Crombez, G., & Vlaeyen. E.-J. (2022). The role of intolerance of uncertainty when solving the exploration-exploitation dilemma. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 181, 33-39. pdf
Hoogeveen, S., Sarafoglou, A., … Krypotos, A.-M., …, & Wagenmakers. E.-J. (2022). A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being. Religion, Brain & Behavior. pdf
van Dis, E.-A., Krypotos, A.-M., Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, E., Tinga, M. & Engelhard I. M. (2022). Safety Behaviors Toward Innocuous Stimuli can Maintain or Increase Threat Beliefs. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 156. pdf
Cooper, S., van Dis, E., Hagenaars, M., Krypotos, A.-M., Nemeroff, C., Lissek, S., Englehard, M., & Dunsmoor, J. (2022). A Meta-Analysis of Conditioned Fear Generalization in Anxiety-Related Disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology, 17, 1652-1661. pdf
Lonsdorf T., Gerlicher, A, Klingelhöfer-Jensa, M. & Krypotos, A.-M. (2022). Multiverse analyses in fear conditioning research. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 153. R package: pdf.
Krypotos, A.-M., Klein, R. A., & Jong, J. (2022). Resolving religious debates through a multiverse approach. Religion Brain & Behavior. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Klugkist, I., Mertens, G., & Engelhard, I. M. (2022). Preregistration: Definition, advantages, disadvantages, and how it can help against questionable research practices. In Masuda, A., O’Donohue, W. & Lilienfeld, S. (eds.) Questionable Research Practice. Springer. pdf
Mertens, G., & Krypotos, A.-M. (2022). Preregistration of Studies with Existing Data. In Faintuch, J. & Faintuch S. (eds.) Integrity of Scientific Research. Springer. pdf
van Ast, V., Klumpers, F., Grasman, R. P.P.P., Krypotos, A.-M., & Roelofs, K. (2022). Postural freezing relates to startle-potentiation in a human fear-conditioning paradigm. Psychophysiology, 59. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Crombez, G., Alves, M., Claes, N. & Vlaeyen, J. (2022). The exploration-exploitation dilemma in pain: an experimental investigation. PAIN, 163, e215-e233. pdf
Mertens, G., van Dis, E-A., Krypotos, A.-M., & Engelhard, I. M. (2021). Does an unconditioned stimulus memory devaluation procedure decrease disgust memories and conditioned disgust? Results of two laboratory studies. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 82. pdf
Schweinsberg, M., … Krypotos, A.-M., … & Uhlmann, E. L. (2021). Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 165, 228-249. pdf
Mertens, G., Boddez, Y., Krypotos, A.-M., & Engelhard, I. M. (2021). Human fear conditioning is moderated by stimulus contingency instructions. Biological Psychology, 158. pdf
Hendrikx, L., Krypotos, A.-M., & Engelhard, I. M. (2021). Enhancing extinction with response prevention via imagery-based counterconditioning: Results on conditioned Avoidance and distress. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 70. pdf
Gazendam, F. J.+, Krypotos, A.-M.+, Kamphuis, J.H., van der Leij, A. R., Huizenga, H. M. H., Eigenhuis, A., & Kindt, M. (2020). From adaptive to maladaptive fear: heterogeneity in threat and safety learning across response systems in a representative sample. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 158, 271-287. +Shared first authors. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Crombez, G., Meulders, A., Claes, N., & Vlaeyen, J.W.S. (2020). Decomposing conditioned avoidance performance with computational models. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 133. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Mertens, G., Leer, A., & Engelhard, I. M. (2020). Induction of conditioned avoidance via mental imagery. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 132. Data and material: pdf
Krypotos, A.-M. & Engelhard, I. M. (2020). Investigating Pavlovian-to-Instrumental transfer effects in subclinical obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M. (2020). How should we measure fear? Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5, 377-378. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Baas, J. M. P., & Engelhard, I. M. (2020). Reduction of conditioned avoidance via contingency reversal. Cognition and Emotion, 34, 1284-1290. pdf
Mertens, G., Krypotos, A.-M., & Engelhard, I. M. (2020). A review on mental imagery in fear conditioning research 100 years since the `Little Albert' study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 126. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Klugkist, I., Mertens, G., & Engelhard, I. M. (2019). A step-by-step guide on preregistration and effective data sharing in psychopathology research. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128, 517-527. R package: pdf
Krypotos, A.-M. & Engelhard, I. M. (2019). Targeting avoidance via compound extinction. Cognition & Emotion, 33, 1523–1530. Data and material: pdf
Ganho-Avila, A., Gonçalves, O., F., Boggio, P. S., Asthana, M. K., Krypotos, A.-M., Almeida, J. (2019). The effect of cathodal tDCS on fear extinction: a cross-measures study. PLOS One, 14, e0221282. pdf
Mertens, G., Krypotos, A.-M. (2019). Preregistration of analyses of preexisting data. Psychologica Belgica, 59, 338–352. pdf
Boehm, U., Annis, J., Frank, M. J., Hawkins, G. E., Heathcote, A., Kellen, D., Krypotos, A.-M., Lerche, V., Logan, G. D., Palmeri, T. J., van Ravenzwaaij, D., Servant, M., Singmann, H., Starns, J. J., Voss, A., Wiecki, T., V., Matzke, D., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2018). Estimating between-trial variability parameters of the diffusion decision model: Expert advice and recommendations. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 87. 46-75. Team code: pdf
Mertens, G., Krypotos, A.-M., van Logtestijn, A., Landkroon, E., van Veen S., Engelhard I. M. (2018). Changing negative autobiographical memories in the lab: A comparison of three eye-movement tasks. Memory. 27, 295–305. Data and material: pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Moscarello, J. M., Sears, R. M., LeDoux, J. E., & Galatzer-Levy I. (2018). A principled method to identify individual differences and behavioral shifts in signaled active avoidance. Learning & Memory, 25, 564–568. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Vervliet, B. & Engelhard, I. M. (2018). The validity of human avoidance paradigms. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 111. 99-105. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M. & Engelhard, I. M. (2018). Testing a novelty-based extinction procedure for the reduction of conditioned avoidance. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 60, 22–28. Data and code: pdf
Maes, E., Krypotos, A.-M., Boddez, Y., D’Hooge, R., De Houwer, J., and Beckers, T. (2018). Failures to replicate blocking are surprising and informative - Reply to Soto (in press). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147, 603–610. pdf
Dutilh, G., Annis, J., Brown, S.D., Cassey, P., Evans, N.J., Grasman, R.P.P.P, Hawkins, G.E., Heathcote, A., Holmes, W. R., Krypotos, A.-M., Kupitz, C. N., Leite, F.P., Lerche, V., Lin, Y.-S., Logan, G.D., Palmeri, T.J., Starns, J.J., Trueblood, J.S., van Maanen, L., van Ravenzwaaij, D., Vandekerckhove, J., Visser, J., Voss, A., White, C.N., Wiecki, T.V., Rieskamp, J., Donkin, D. (2018). The quality of response time data inference: A blinded, collaborative assessment of the validity of cognitive models. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Code for team: pdf
Arnaudova, I., Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T. (2018). Manipulating affective state influences conditioned appetitive responses. Cognition & Emotion, 32, 1062–1081. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Klugkist, I., & Engelhard I. M. (2017). Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for Human Threat Conditioning Research: An introduction and the condir R package. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8. R package: pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Blanken, T. S., Arnaudova, I., Matzke, D., & Beckers, T. (2017). A primer on Bayesian analysis for experimental psychopathologists. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 8, 140–157. Data and code: pdf
Arnaudova, I., Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T. (2017). Moving Threat: Attention and distance change interact in threat responding. Emotion. 17, 251-258. pdf
Arnaudova, I., Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T. (2017). Fearing shades of grey: Individual differences in fear responding towards generalization stimuli. Cognition & Emotion, 31, 1181–1196. pdf
Maes, E., Boddez, Y., Alfei, J. M., Krypotos, A.-M., D’Hooge, R., De Houwer, J., & Beckers, T. (2016). The elusive nature of the blocking effect: 15 failures to replicate. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145. 49–71. Data and code: pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Beckers, T., Kindt, M., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2015). A Bayesian hierarchical diffusion model decomposition of performance in approach-avoidance tasks. Cognition & Emotion, 29, 1424–1444. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Arnaudova, I., Effting, M., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T. (2015). Effects of approach-avoidance training on the extinction and return of fear responses. PLoS ONE. 10: e0131581. Data: pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T. (2015). Avoidance learning: A review of theoretical models and recent developments. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience. 9:189. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., Arnaudova, I., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T. (2014). Avoided by association: Acquisition, extinction, and renewal of avoidance tendencies towards conditioned fear stimuli. Clinical Psychological Science, 2, 336–343. pdf
Arnaudova, I., Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T. (2013). Individual differences in discriminatory fear learning under conditions of ambiguity: A vulnerability factor for anxiety disorders? Frontiers in Psychology. 4:298. pdf
Beckers, T., Krypotos, A.-M., Boddez, Y., Effting, M., & Kindt, M. (2013). What’s wrong with fear conditioning? Biological Psychology, 92, 90–96. pdf
Wagenmakers, E.-J., Krypotos, A.-M., Criss, A., & Iverson G. (2012). On the interpretation of removable interactions: A survey of the field 33 years after Loftus. Memory & Cognition, 20, 145–160. pdf
Dutilh, G., Krypotos, A.-M., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Task-related vs. stimulus-specific practice: A diffusion model account. Experimental Psychology, 6, 434-442. pdf
Krypotos, A.-M., Jahfari, S., van Ast, V., Kindt, M., & Forstmann, B. U. (2011). Individual differences in heart rate variability predict the degree of slowing during response inhibition and initiation in the presence of emotional stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology. 2:278. pdf
Krypotos A.-M. (2009). Prostate Cancer and Sexual Dysfunction: The role of Counseling Psychology In Malikiosi Loizou & Antwnia Papastylianou (eds.) Counselling psychology in Men, 111-132. Athens: Ellinika Grammata. (in Greek)
Kyriklaki A., & Krypotos A.-M. (2008). Prevention and Treatment Programs for Child Sexual Abuse: Literature review for the years 2000-2006. In Giotakos O. & Tsiliakou M. (eds.) The circle of Abuse: family conflicts and sexual violence. pp. 211-234. Athens: Archipelagos.